Outer Circle - Creator's Creation

I guess i'm at a loss,
A loss for words that describe what i am feeling.
I guess i just had hoped that everyone would just move on,
That creativity would keep it strong,
But i was off the mark all along,
"loud, confident, and wrong."

But i'm still waiting.
I want to see
Creator's creation
Putting into motion our abilities.

So i guess i'm at a loss,
A loss for words that would capture what i'm feeling.
I guess i just had hoped that everyone would move on,
That conviction would keep it strong,
But i was off the mark all along,
"loud, confident, and wrong."

But i'm still waiting.
I want to see
Creator's creation
Putting into motion our abilities.

If in everything we would do,
We'd do it as unto him,
Tell me what they'd see,
Tell me what they'd see.

If in everything we would do,
We'd do it as unto him,
Tell me what they'd see,
Tell me what they'd see.
I wonder what they'd see.

He is the image of the invisible god,
Firstborn over all creation,
For by him all things were created
In heaven and on earth (i wonder what they'd see),
Visible and invisible,
Whether they be thrones or dominions
Or principalities or powers.
All things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things and in him all things consist.
If any are raised in christ,
Seek those things which are above,
Where christ is sitting at the right hand of god.
Set your minds on things above,
Not on the things of earth.
For you died and your life is hidden with christ in god.
When christ, who is our life appears,
Then you will also appear with him in glory.
Whatever you do, in word or deed,
Do it all in the name of the lord jesus,
Giving thanks to god the father through him.